Virtual Assistants



Posts tagged Outsourcing
The best tools and resources for remote work

In the interests of of always looking on the bright side of life, here are some resources for a positive impact on the new normal; working from home and communicating with remote colleagues. Is it weird that I feel like I have been preparing for isolation my whole life? Anyway, here are some resources and tips for.

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Guest UserOutsourcing
Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet 2019

Why are Social Media platforms always changing their image sizes? 

It often feels like a chore to have to redo these things and, worst of all, often the networks themselves are not exactly forthcoming with the preferred dimensions.

So, in order to make your life slightly simpler we are offering you a simple clean guide to image sizes for the major social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn (Business), LinkedIn (Personal) and Pinterest.

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Video Tips: Social Media Strategy

In the last few weeks we have been working on differing social media and marketing strategies for 3 clients and given that Social Media was high on the list of New Year’s Resolutions I thought I would do a video with some quick tips. 

As I mentioned I think there is a lot of angst around Social media in business because there is the perception that if you are not on every social media with your brand you are missing out on millions of clients. The truth is never that simple. So here are some tips on putting together a social media strategy.

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Stop Wasting Time! 5 Key Things You Can Outsource Now.

Running a successful business can be very strenuous and time-consuming. At times it might feel like there aren’t enough hours in day to get everything done, and as a result, your business might suffer.

Luckily, you have the option to outsource some of the tasks that don’t require your immediate attention so that you aren’t spreading yourself too thin. Choosing what to delegate can be a challenge, so take a look at some of the tasks you can outsource and come up on top.

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Case Studies: Working with a Virtual Assistant

We never cease to learn and one way we can do this is by listening to our clients.

Certainly our clients are using their assistants in ways that we probably did not predict and in fact the variety of clients we have; using VAs for professional and personal tasks is beyond anything we ever imagined. 

It is with this in mind that we are undertaking some case studies and we start with Simon Cyrus from Cyrus Healthcare and Locum Blueprint.

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