Virtual Assistants



The best tools and resources for remote work

Window lonely remote working digital nomad cover-19 work from home

In the UK at least we are now two weeks into our lockdown. Blimey! That is a phrase I could never have imagined I would write, but as our lives have been turned into an all-too-real b-movie most of us find ourselves staying at home, juggling work and caring for a our loved ones. 

For the vast majority of us the sacrifice we have been asked to make is nothing compared to that which our grandparents made in fighting for a free world or indeed the sacrifices many of our keyworkers are making in this current hour of need. 

So in the interests of always looking on the bright side of life, here are some resources for a positive impact on the new normal; working from home and communicating with remote colleagues. Is it weird that I feel like I have been preparing for isolation my whole life? Anyway, here are some resources and tips for...

What are The best tools for remote working? 

Well, as a team we are used to collaborating with clients remotely and our team also uses a number of tools internally to manage communications, cooperation, project and task management.

Here are our favourites (all available with paid or FREE versions!):

  • SLACK for communications and collaboration.

If you have not already used Slack you will find it high on the list of many remote teams for it’s ease and flexibility when it comes to chat, groups, channel, sharing and keeping track of work.  

  • ASANA for Project and Task Management.

Asana is super-simple. It is great for managing and assigning tasks to different people, but also for keeping track of what you are doing and breaking down that mountain of work into some bitesize chunks that you can chip away at and see your progress.

  • ZOOM for video conferencing.

Is there anyone who isn’t using it now?? Whether your meetings are recurring or ad hoc Zoom gives you good quality video, easy screen and resource sharing. Whether for internal or external (sales) use Zoom is an awesome business tool.

Now, this is just us, so if you want some more check out this listing on Skillcrush or this long list of Remote Working Tools

Top Tips for Remote Workers:

Here are some of my previous blog articles and resources which may be of use in the times of remote work:I


You can download a PDF guide on delegating work which is also pretty useful for remote workers here.


Author: Thomas Smallwood is an outsourcing specialist. Having worked in companies around Europe, from the support desk to the boardroom, he founded to help small businesses grow through efficient delegation to skilled virtual assistants. He is an award-winning blogger and a passionate advocate for mental health awareness.

Connect with Tom on LinkedIn.

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