Virtual Assistants



Posts tagged Social Media
Using a Virtual Assistant for Social Media

The biggest growth area for virtual assistant services has undoubtedly been in Social Media Strategy, content creation and management.

The most common request we get from clients is can we get a Social Media Virtual Assistant to help us manage our online presence, expand the channels we cover and optimise the way our brand is viewed… but, we have changed in the way we manage Social Media.

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Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet 2019

Why are Social Media platforms always changing their image sizes? 

It often feels like a chore to have to redo these things and, worst of all, often the networks themselves are not exactly forthcoming with the preferred dimensions.

So, in order to make your life slightly simpler we are offering you a simple clean guide to image sizes for the major social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn (Business), LinkedIn (Personal) and Pinterest.

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Video Tips: Social Media Strategy

In the last few weeks we have been working on differing social media and marketing strategies for 3 clients and given that Social Media was high on the list of New Year’s Resolutions I thought I would do a video with some quick tips. 

As I mentioned I think there is a lot of angst around Social media in business because there is the perception that if you are not on every social media with your brand you are missing out on millions of clients. The truth is never that simple. So here are some tips on putting together a social media strategy.

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